In this video, we show you some of our practical applications originating in basic principles and movements out of your Wudang Principles Ba Gua Zhang practice.

Over time, Ba Gua Zhang transformed from an ancient circle walking meditation into a formidable martial art renowned for its circular footwork, intricate hand techniques, and strategic maneuvering. Embodying the principles of change and adaptability, Ba Gua emphasizes fluidity, agility, and simultaneous attack and defense.

Join us in our upcoming Ba Gua Month for Seminars, Intensives and Camp!

Basic Seminar: 22-23.07.2023 Ba Gua Intensive: 22.07.-20.08.2023 Ba Gua Camp: 17-20.08.2023



Join Nico 03/04 June 2023 a whole weekend, when he will dive into the basics of Internal Martial Arts. The true secrets of any art lie in its basics! Regarding Inner Gong Fu that means that only when we start to understand how to position our body in order to center our mind and body, we can learn to connect all our joints and become one unit. On the road we get better and better in observing our body and releasing it. Like that Martial Arts originating out of the Wudang mountains become much more than just a fighting art. It becomes an art for cultivating health and an inner smile with every basic practice.

TOPICS OF THE SEMINAR: -Basic Standing Qi Gong and body and mind alignment -Basic Walking Meditation and centering in motion -Basic Kung Fu Stances and how to create stability and power through softness -Basic body mobility exercises to support the inner as well as outer opening process (Pi Gua) For registration visit:

FOLLOW-UP BASIC CLASS – Starting from June Note also, that we will open a new beginner class starting from June. Every Monday at 18:00 at our academy we will follow up with the camp by giving all students the chance to deepen as well as build up their Kung Fu Basics! For more information write us a mail!

BA GUA ZHANG: Meditation, Martial and Healing Art

Ba Gua is the art of circles, spirals and transformation. An art that has its origin in an old and simple Taoist circle-walking meditation and has since then developed into a full martial, movement and healing art. But Ba Gua wouldn’t be Ba Gua if its growing and transforming would be done and over. Take part in our Ba Gua journey, in our regular classes, and upcoming seminars or go all in at our Ba Gua Fulltime Month!:

Basic Seminar: 22-23.07.2023

Ba Gua Camp: 17-20.08.2023

Ba Gua Fulltime Month: 22.07.-20.08.2023

Tui Shou and 5 Animals Camp

Tui Shou is the art of listening, softness and balance.

The 5 Elements are a tool to observe the world in order to reestablish balance as well.

This makes these two tools a perfect fit and our last workshop a space all about balance and flow establishment!
Yet a tool is just a tool, lying in the corner and getting dusty if not inspired handy crafter take it into their hand with the intention to create.
Therefore I am so grateful for especially all these inspired crafters that joined us during the last days and brought the tools to beat and life.
In this sense another time I want to say thank you to everyone joining for filling the space with your energy and creativity, bringing flow to the body and the hall, challenging and supporting each other and most of all never getting tired to do all that with endless of joy!

Looking forward to see you at the next events this year!
Gong Fu Basics: 03/06/2023 – 04/06/2023
Ba Gua Basics: 22/07/2023 – 23/07/2023
Ba Gua Camp: 17/08/2023 – 20/08/202

Ba Gua Spiral Steps – Difference Between Ba Gua and Tai Ji Step Work

What is the difference between normal walking, Ba Gua Step Work and Tai Ji Step Work? Able to understand the differences we have the chance to connect deeper to our Ba Gua Zhang stepping principles. On our Online Kung Fu Database (Hidden Turtle), I teach currently class by class the fundamentals of our Ba Gua Zhang System. All sessions are recorded, so even so you missed the start, you have the chance to follow us along using the weekly uploads of the episodes! Or join our regular classes, full-time intensive training, or upcoming Seminars… So many ways to learn and practice :).

Basic Qi Gong Tutorial – Closing

Doesn’t matter if Tai Ji, Ba Gua, Xing Yi or simply one of our basic Qi Gong sets, every of our training is ending with our Shou Gong exercise. Like a farmer is cleaning and taking care for his tools after every working day, also we close every training with a special care taking Qi Gong Set. Learn in this tutorial with me why the “Shou Gong”, closing exercise, is the opening point to an even more important Qi Gong practice.

Fulltime 4

Our latest video is online.

Fulltime is our documentary series which tells episode by episode the storys of different long-term students at our school. Join us in episode 4 when Benajmin Soubeille talks about his 3 years of intense training at our academy and how he experienced this long journey from studentship to teachership. Showing kindness and softness on all levels of the journey I was very proud to hand him recently official our instructor certificate. Benjo was one of my first long-term students at our Wudang Deutschland Academy. Dedicating and entrusting three full years into the study of mainly Xing Yi Quan and Internal MMA he taught us many great lessons on his way so far. Seeing him during these times makes me certain that wherever life will lead him, his tools in the martial arts, his humbleness with people and his questioning and strong mind in his research, will lead him and make him a great role model, friend and teacher in all aspects of his life. I wish you all the best Benjo!